Parent Survey : Spring 2018
We asked parents and carers to share their honest opinions of the school. This is what they said:
Parents who agree that...
My child is happy. 98%
My child feels safe. 98%
My child makes good progress at. 100%
My child is well looked after. 99%
My child is taught well. 100%
My child receives appropriate homework. 98%
Pupils are well behaved. 96%
Bullying is effectively dealt with. 89%
The school is well led and managed. 95%
The school responds well to concerns raised. 95%
I receive valuable information about my child. 98%
I would recommend the school. 96%
This information...
This information shows the percentage of positive responses of those that answered, and that had an opinion to share. A maximum of 82 responses were used to calculate the opinions expressed above. For example, opinions relating to issues such as bullying and responding to concerns are likely to be shared by those who have had direct experience.
Families can share their views online at any time.