Science at St. George's School
At St George’s School we are all scientists. Practical science will stimulate the minds of our children encouraging curiosity, questioning and cross-curricular learning. All children use their senses inside and outside of the classroom to carry out enquiries using a rich and varied scientific vocabulary. In nursery and EYFS, children use key scientific skills of exploring, investigating, observing and classifying through carefully planned activities in their continuous provision. This provides the foundations for the science curriculum that is taught throughout the rest of the school. Teachers plan engaging, exciting and progressive biology, physics and chemistry learning for all children as well as offering scientific enrichment opportunities including trips and ‘science days’ with a carefully planned theme.
- Science is hands on and practical and is inspiring for all children.
- Children’s scientific knowledge is built upon using their senses and the local environment.
- Children have the chance to foster their curiosity through a range of enquiry types.
- Children build upon previous knowledge and learn new things; they are given opportunities to share these within the wider school community.
- Children learn about the works of different scientists whom have impacted upon our world.
- Children at St. George’s will be exposed to STEM opportunities where the focus will be hands on learning with real world applications to support the development of a variety of skill sets including creativity.
- Exciting enrichment opportunities are offered in each year group.
Take a look at our super Science learning so far this year!

In May 2023 St. George's School were awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark! This is a huge acheivement for our school and shows our dedication to the teaching and learning of Science.

The following websites can be used to further extend children’s scientific knowledge and to set up fun, practical science experiments at home:
- National Geographic kids- easy science experiments to do at home
- PBS kids- simple science and activities to do with your children
- Science BOB- experiments for school or home
Great Science Share
During the Summer term, St. George's were invited to go and present at The Great Science Share. This was held at Colchester Zoo.
KS2 Science club looked at a solution to hungar in flood prone countries. They made floating gardens based on some research about Bangladesh.