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Autumn term in Year One

In year One we have been exploring all things space with our 'To infinity and beyond" topic. The children have loved being Historians and finding out all about Neil Armstrong and the famous moon landing. The children have answered and asked questions about this event and we are looking forward to finding out "Did he have special walking boots" "what did he eat?" and even "How did he get back down to planet Earth?" 

We have put our inventor heads on to help research and design a moon buggy for an astronaut stuck in space. 

We have learnt all about wheels and axels and why these are needed to make the moon buggy moon. We are looking forward to showing our grown-ups how to make these when they come and help us make our moon buggy. 


Exploring Place Value in Maths

In Maths, we’ve been focusing on place value. The children have enjoyed getting hands-on with their learning, using manipulatives and interactive activities to build their understanding of numbers. This tactile approach has really helped them grasp key concepts, and we’re seeing great progress!

Practicing Number and Letter Formations

We’ve also been working hard on perfecting our number and letter formations. The children are practicing daily to ensure they feel confident and secure in writing their numbers and letters clearly and correctly.

As we continue through the term, we’ll be expanding our space-themed learning across other subjects too. It’s wonderful to see such enthusiasm from the children as they engage with new ideas!


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