Learning in Year 2 2023-2024
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year 2.
Our Spring Term topic is 'Power and Protest!'. We will be looking at the Suffragette movement aswell as other importnat topics such as climate change.
In Spring 1 we will be wriitng stories about Sofia Valdez and also reading some books including Greta and the Giants, Pippi Longstocking, Emmeline Pankhurst, Clarice Bean and Queen Elizabeth.
Our theme topics this year will be:
Autumn 1: Magic at the Movies - Ratatouille
Autumn 2: Magic at the Movies- UP
Spring 1 : Power and Protest! – Little People, Big Dreams.
Spring 2: Power and Protest! – How to change the world.
Summer 1 & 2: Around the World in 80 Days.
PE days
Please look at your class newsletter for PE times.
Reading and Phonics
We follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds, and children will continue to embed this into their reading and writing this year. Please use your child’s reading card to show that you are reading with them at home. We ask that you read 5 times a week and tick their card to show you have done so; please ensure that your child’s books and reading card are with them in school each day. Your child’s books will be changed each week.
As well as supporting your child at home by reading 5 times a week, please practice basic math skills such as counting backwards, forwards and across 100, adding and subtracting numbers to 100 and time – o’clock, half past and quarter to and past. If you need any advice or support with any of this, please speak to your class teacher.
Things you can use at home:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4EN7mFHCk 2 times table practice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4tisetC5jU 5 times table practice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlW6YRLriHU 10 times table practice.