Welcome to St George's Nursery
A child's start to Nursery is an exciting time for both children and families, this page is designed to help you and your child learn about our Nursery setting, the learning experiences we offer and answer any queries you may have. We hope this will enable the process of starting Nursery to run smoothly, and make the start your child's learning journey a smooth and enjoyable one.
We remain focused on developing every child as an individual, following interests and creating exciting learning opportunities each and every day. We have a purpose-built Nursery environment and connecting outdoor areas. Our main aim is for your child to love coming to Nursery each day, make connections with the other children and staff and to nurture their love of learning through play-based experiences.

Please watch our video that showcases the fun and learning had in our Nursery.
St George's Nursery is now open for full time spaces!
At St George's Nursery we offer a full day with an experienced Nursery Teacher lead five days a week. This will mean that our Nursery children will have the maximum benefit of experiencing a full Nursery engaging curriculum offer and feel very ready to start school in the following September!
We are open for children who are rising fours, this means that they will be of school age (4) for the following September when they begin with us.
This means that all children who gain a space at the Nursery will be with us for a year and part of the seamless transition so they already feel part of St George's when then move in to Reception.
Full time Nursery sessions will begin at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm so will match in with our school day. Lunch times will be at a charge of £3 per day for all full time pupils as they are on top of the 30 hours. All full time pupils will bring a packed lunch.
The 30-hour funding for full time pupils if both parents are working can be applied for if:
What if I am not eligible for 30 hours funding?
All families are entitled to 15 hours of free child care in England.
Additional top up prices are as following:
To increase to 30 hours from the funded 15 = £84 per week
The breakdown of this: Each 3 hour session = £13.80 + lunch at £3 = £16.80
Please note: We have a limited number of part time places for 15 hours in the morning or afternoon sessions available. Morning sessions will be 8:45-11:45 am and afternoon sessions will be 12:15- 3:15 pm.
Next steps to applying for your place:
- Check if you are eligible for the 30- hour funded Nursery space.
Follow the link below:
- Complete your application on the website and submit it.
Please note that we will be operating on the basis that all Nursery children will either be Monday to Friday: full time/ part time mornings/ part time afternoons depending on the spaces available.
We do not offer a range of days according to child care needs. The spaces are funded as an ongoing agreement between the school and parent/ carer.
We are so very excited to be able to offer these places and our new adventure as a full time Nursery! We hope to have your child with us in September!
If you have any questions please contact Mrs Tracy Cooke or the school office at St George's School- Woodlands. We will be more than happy to help.