A Tour of the School

Welcome to St George's School. We are delighted to show you our school on this page. Although we are sadly unable to provide physical tours of the school at the current time, we do hope that this page at least provides a taste of everything that is so wonderful at St George's!
St George's School is situated in the heart of New Town, a historic Victorian and Edwardian area of Colchester. Located to the south of the town, near to the famous garrison, town centre and old port, the catchment area for the school encompasses families form many different backgrounds.
Our Vision
At St George's School we seek to provide the highest standards of learning and care possible. We capture this ambition through our 'DRAGON' words:
Dream Reach Achieve Grow Opportunity Nurture

Part of a Family
Children are part of a community at St George's School, and many describe it as their second home. They are supported by a consistent team of adults and form strong relationships at work and at play. Children are members of 'Dragon Teams' that enable them to earn recognition and receive 'Dragon Tokens'. We will contact you each time another 25 tokens have been achieved so that you can celebrate this with us.
A Grand Place To Learn...
We are located on two sites, close together, with lots of space and plenty of facilities. Our upper hall at the Towers campus is a dramatic space where we have PE, assemblies, visitors, special events and where we build a stage so we can perform to live audiences. We also provide training events for teachers across many schools, and host special conferences to improve the skills of employees.

...With Great Facilities.
In the lower hall we provide school meals, have PE lessons and assemblies for our younger children. When children move to the building in Year 3 they mostly meet children in their own year group and in Year 4. This helps to make a large school feel more like a small community of similar aged children. We host after school clubs in the halls, including dance, Lego, multi-sport, football and others besides. Mr Messer even once got the drummer from Status Quo to play in here.
Classy Classrooms.
We have a new build Nursery, nine classrooms for Reception and KS1, and twelve excellent classrooms for KS2. Each has cutting edge technology, fibre speed broadband connections, a light and airy feel and new attractive furniture. Learning displays and equipment are provided to support each child's learning and to help foster an environment where 'being the best you can be' really matters!
Touch screens, visualisers, tablets and laptops are used to enliven learning. We mix digital content, hands on experiences and teacher information to ensure that a range of different learning styles are catered for.

More Than Just A Place To Learn Knowledge
Classrooms are not just about learning the National Curriculum. They are places to be supported, to take measured risks, to know that it is OK to get things wrong when learning how to get them right, and to feel good about yourself.
Lovely Library
In our 'Superhero Library' we have oodles of books for every taste!
Classics and family favourites are mixed with new titles and stories by award winning authors. We provide a qualified teacher to help guide and support reading choices, and ensure that every child has equal access to the very best books.
Many children, including young readers, enjoy our 'Bug Club Library'. Here, books can be chosen that enable us to practice, practice and practice! They are colour coded to help appropriate choices. Many of these books are also available to read online at home via each child's electronic book bag!

A Green Space
Although a lovely place to live, New Town is urban by design. However, at St George's School we aim to provide green spaces. We have a sports field, allotments, mature trees and plenty of space to run around or sit and chat. Around the school we also have three playgrounds and two canopy covered seating areas. In 2021 we will be completing our project to install an outdoor multigym that can be used during PE lessons and playtimes.
Staying Safe in a Lockdown World
We appreciate that the current circumstances in which we find ourselves can cause worry. Lockdowns, self-isolation and social distancing are reminding all of us, if we needed reminding, that being safe is our priority.
It is no different at school. We have therefore introduced a wide range of measures to ensure that families, children and employees can be reassured that school is a safe place to be.
This does require us all to work together and accept the 'new normal'. Our guidance information on this website provides extensive information about some of the steps we have put in place.

A School of Which to be Proud
We are proud to be attached to our school. One way we show this is by wearing the school uniform and by making an effort to 'dress to impress'.
Our redesigned uniform has our new logo, and has been worn proudly since our expansion in 2021.
Families can order uniform online through Smarty Pants Schoolwear. However, generic items such as trousers, skirts etc can be purchased from a wide range of outlets, including local supermarkets. Uniform is very affordable.
Our uniform includes the school logo, with George the Dragon taking centre stage! We also supply book bags, hats, rucksacks, coats ... all manner of extra items that families may like.
Making a Drama out of a Curriculum
We like nothing more than building a stage, switching on the lights, powering up the PA and inviting families in for a show!
At least twice a year we convert a hall into a theatre or performance space and prepare to dazzle under the bright lights!
Even more impressive, we seek to perform on the west-end stage! Each year we invite a year group to practice a series of musical pieces to perform in London. We have performed at sell-out shows at the Barbican and make regular visits to the Royal Albert Hall ... supporting Barnardos at their fund raising concerts.

A Curriculum of Balance and Breadth
There is a lot to learn at school!
As you would expect, the learning of English and mathematics is a daily experience. The core skills of life are essential to master effectively if the rest of the curriculum is to be accessible to all. We therefore track performance as writers, readers and mathematicians with particular interest.
In addition, we engage children in being historians, geographers, artists, designers, musicians and scientists. We engage in physical activities, refect on different world religions, and consider our own physical and social wellbeing.
The school has adopted French as a modern foreign language to learn.
Let's be Honest ... This is Important!
OK, you might wonder why we are going to raise the issue of toilets!
It's simple really, this can be an issue for children if thought and attention is not put into this significant facility.
The toilets have been recently refurbished across the Towers campus. Corporate standard fittings, high walls, Dyson hand dryers, perfectly blended warm water on tap, with a 'bully free design' that means they are safe to visit without undue concern or worry.
For older students we also provide fresh, clean and secure changing rooms so that you can get changed in a safe and clean environment.

Learning for the 21st Century World
Although a school built upon a long history, with firm connections to the community, we are foremostly a school commited to preparing children for the 21st Century world. The children at school today will be the employees of 2080 ... imagine that ... the change that will happen in their lifetimes!
But, some skills will remain key. Being able to read with confidence ... of course. But some skills are vital to every business and organisation. The willingness to 'have a go', to be resilient, to want to aim high and do your best, to achieve well but with compassion. These things matter, and will always matter.
As Lewis Hamilton said, upon winning his seventh world championship title in Formula 1, 'this is for all the kids out there who dream the impossible. You can do it man!'. Of course, he meant women as well! And girls. And boys. Everyone actually.
A School for our Community
We value the contribution that everybody makes to our community. We proudly fly the flags of Colchester, Essex, England, the United Kingdom, the Council of Europe, Earth and of global diversity.
We instil a respect for difference between people, and aim to reflect an honest portrayal of the world, and of British society, so our students can see the 'big picture'. If any child wishes to talk about themselves and their identity we have skilled people to help them to do this. After all, we are all unique, and what makes us different helps to make our community rich and diverse.
Our Woodlands Site
Our Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 classes are all located in their own separate buildings at the Woodlands campus. Nestled in the trees, next to the school field, the Woodlands site comprises of a new purpose built nursery and a 'revamped' building for the Recption and Key Stage 1 class groups. The buildings are lovely inside, offering fresh learning spaces.

Get Reading!
The greatest adademic skill we can learn at school is being able to read. From the very start of life at school we celebrate the joy of reading, and teach children the skills that they need.
The greatest contribution families can make to support their child's learning is to read with them. Reading stories repeatedly, demonstrating, giving examples, discussing stories ... this all adds up and supports a chil to read for themselves.
Reading Every Day
Children enjoy the special reading spaces that are provided to enable reading for enjoyment. Learning to read supports learning across the whole curriculum and is an essential skill for life.

The Great Outdoors
We like to get out of the classroom as much as possible and learn in the fresh air! With lots of outdoor spaces available, covered areas and a fantastic filed 'green space' surrounded by mature trees, ours really is an engaging place to learn.