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Contact Us

St George's School
Canterbury Road

Telephone (Towers): 01206 506800 Option 4
Telephone (Woodlands):  01206 506800 Option 3

Telephone: Absence (Option 1) Finance (Option 2) General (Option 5)
Website: http://www.stgeorgesschool.org
General email: contact@stgeorgesschool.org

Headteacher: Carl Messer BA(Ed)Hons NPQH

Directors of School Improvement (our Deputy Headteachers): Tracy Cooke BEd Hons NPQH and Angie Vicarey
Admission & School Meal Queries: Rachel Hart, Corinna Smith 
Attendance Queries: Sharon Knocker
Finance Queries: Anna Benton
Pupil Wellbeing Queries: Deb Laughlin (Woodlands) and Kate Bullock (Towers)
Special Educational Needs & Disability Queries: Lauren Dunt
Safeguarding Queries: Angie Vicarey

All can be contacted by telephone: 01206 506800

St George's School Map
  • Important Queries About Your Child At School

    It is important that you are able to speak to the appropriate person about any concerns or questions that you might have. By speaking to the right person, you are more likely to recieve informed, accurate and timely information

  • Speak to the Class Teacher concerning:
    • Your child's progress
    • Behaviour concerns and specific incidents
    • Home learning activities
    • To share urgent and important information
    • Any worries about friendships
  • Speak to the Administration Team concerning:
    • Admissions
    • School Meals
    • Attendance and Lateness
    • Applications for Authorised Leave
    • Finance
    • To pass on any urgent information
  • Speak to the Nurture Mentor concerning:
    • Family issues that are affecting your child
    • Significant bullying issues that are not just about classroom behaviour or friendships
    • Mental Health issues
  • And if you are worried about a Safeguarding or Child Protection issue:
    • Speak to a member of our Designated Team for Safeguarding
    • Mrs Vicarey (Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding lead) Mr Messer (Headteacher), Mrs Cooke (Director of School Improvement), Mrs Deb Laughlin and Mrs Kate Bullock (Nurture Mentors), Miss Lauren Dunt (Inclusion Leader), Mrs Savannah Taylor (Behaviour and Inclusion Support)
    • You may also raise concerns about any behaviour or safety issues that you witness when off of the school site.
  • And if, having followed this route, the outcome is unsatisfactory:
    • We have a complaints procedure to enable you to detail your concern in writing.
    • The procedure can be downloaded from this website, or you can ask for a hard copy to be provided for you, free of charge, by the school.
  • Other places to support parents

    Asking for Help

    StarLine on 0330 313 9162. StarLine is an independent body, staffed by teachers and Ofsted employees, who are available to give advice to families. Be aware that the call will be charged at the local rate.

    Staying Safe Whilst Learning Online

    The following websites may be useful in helping families to keep their children safe whilst working online.









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