St. George's Nursery- Foxes
Here at St. George's we have a wonderful Nursery setting.
We believe that children learn best when they are happy and secure, so relationships (both with their peers and the adults in the setting) are the heart of everything we do.
The areas of learning considered to be of the most importance during the Early Years of Education are ‘Communication and Language’, ‘Physical Development’ and ‘Social and Emotional Development’ – essentially, the ability to say what they need, want, think and feel, the physical competence and dexterity to do what they want and to take care of themselves with a growing degree of independence, and the emotional intelligence to work well with others and to build strong relationships.
Our Nursery is an exciting, interesting place where having fun matters. It is filled with the laughter and chatter of the happy children with whom we feel privileged to spend our days.
Key texts - Spring term