Why do we Teach Art and Design at St George’s School?
At St George’s, we believe that Art matters, on so many levels. It gives our children a voice, a whole other language, a mode of self-expression, a creative outlet, a way of capturing and creating beauty in the world and a route into future careers in fashion, design, photography, body art, architecture and as fine artists; the Turner Prize winners of the decades ahead. We are growing the creative thinkers and makers of the future.

We cover a wide range of artists, showing our children that art has a rich history and a meaningful, relevant, accessible present. We look at artists from all over the world, who come in all ages, shapes, genders, backgrounds and nationalities; representing the rich diversity of children within our school. We show our children that anyone can be an artist. We also study architects and designers and people working today to make a living from creative processes. We explore and meet real life Essex-based practitioners showing that art is here and now and theirs for the taking.

Our Curriculum
Our curriculum has been designed to give our children, what the National Gallery calls, the ability to ‘ARTiculate’ – to be able to speak about art, using the language of colour, tone, line and texture; to recognise its history, messages, meanings, power and emotional resonance.